* Asbury Theological Seminary
* J. McManaway: A NT Student
* C. Tilling: Chrisendom
* C. Joseph: Theological French
* John "Doe": Locusts & Honey
* A. Knox: The Assembling of the Church
* B. Witherington
* T. Kimberly: Bible Map
* M. Altermann: Theological German
* B. Russell: Real Meal Ministries
* N. Norelli: Rdtwot
* T. Ricchuiti: If I Were A Bell...
* C. Vanallsburg: Vanallsblog
* R. Rodriguez: Verily Verily
* S. Bailey: Scotteriology
* K. Brown: Christian Orthodoxy
* J. McGrath: Exploring Our Matrix
* J. Hobbins: Ancient Hebrew Poetry
* D. Mangum: Biblia Hebraica
* M. Goodacre: NT Gateway Blog
* B. Heroman: Bible & History Blog
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